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SIMULATION of Fabrication Processes andDevice Operation

دانلود نرم افزار Silvaco TCAD 2018 x64 نسخه ویندوز ، دانلود نرم افزار کامپیوتر Silvaco TCAD کرک شده به همراه راهنمای نصب فارسی.

Using SILVACO Framework

SILVACO Virtual Wafer Fab for simulation of the whole fabrication process of Si devices(ATHENA) analyses of their operation (ATLAS), but not all, modules in the software packages available for the UH users with Athena_Elite Athena_ Suprem4 the most important ones for fabrication. Models used in bothAthena and Atlas simulators can be selected from the simple ones thatassume only basic features to the state of the art models thatinclude the most recent advances in physics of processing as well asphysics of devices. The programs take parameters set by the users, tosolve (differential) equations describing various processing anddevice operation. The mesh (or grid), defined also by the user, helpsto adjust the 2D simulation accuracy especially for scaled downdevices, which correspond to larger curvatures and therefore requiremore densely spaced grid points. We will focus on examples that areincluded for the instructional purpose and will be followed byassignment to observe the influence of process conditions onfabricated structures.

The program works in the Interactive Runtime Environmentaccessible via DeckBuild. allows, through the graphical user interface, to specify (oreasily modify) input information (process types, parameters andmodels as well as device operation conditions and models), runsimulation (fabrication of devices and/or their operation), andmonitor results (on DeckBuild) such as those of currently performedsimulation steps, and to invoke Visualization Tool (TonyPlot) toobserve the obtained intermediate or final results.

ATHENA and ATLAS are complex and powerful simulation tools. Youare encouraged to browse through the examples (others than thosesuggested in this handout) both for the fabrication and deviceoperation training. Unfortunately, from the whole set of the softwarepackages, there are a few that are not licensed to us, so not allexamples can be accessible. Please do not be discouraged sincenumerous examples which are available are very informative andeducational. For your reference, the SILVACO manual is at the helpdesk, in case if you need more information, and there is Help alsoavailable on-line.

Getting started

Please follow instructionsin to establish the access to Silvaco. To start DeckBuild enter:deckbuild & (and the return key). That will activate theDeckBuild window, with ATHENA as a default. You can set also Atlas asa current simulator since analytically defined structures can be alsosimulated by Atlas upper window in the DeckBuild is the input (your device structurethat will be fabricated or a device that will operate) and the lowerone is the 'traced' output. You will see commands buttons that enableprogram control such as run, quit, etc., and its monitoring bytracing line numbers.

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Using Silvaco

We will start with 'Examples' that can be loaded from the MainControl Menu and we will modify various fabrication processesaccording to the assignment.

Choose any example by releasing the right hand button of the mouseat the selected item (or select and LOAD the example). Then run thesimulation. You can do it one step at a time by using the 'next'button, which will enable to step through the program whiledisplaying the corresponding output or you can run it continuously.At the end of the simulation extraction step (EXTRACT action in theplace of ATHENA) will provide final parameters such as oxidethickness etc. Analyze device dimensions and the mesh. Observeprocessing steps including models used,

Any step either an intermediate or a final result (written in thefile '' in your working directory) can be displayedusing TonyPlot form the DeckBuild. Both material structures andelectrical properties can be plotted; they have the .str extensions.You can select the structure files, then click the Tools button withthe left mouse button pressed. From the dropdown menu select Plot,then Plot Structure. TonyPlot will display your graph. Modificationof the plot is possible by selecting Plot button in the TonyPlotmenu. Visit these options. You can display any plot obtained by thesimulation if you Load Structure (your file name) from the File menuin the TonyPlot. In particular, look for the files .history##.str(ex: .history07.str) that are listed in the output window of theDeckBuild after specific processes. After loading these files in theTonyPlot you can choose 2D display, which adds to the clarity of theplots and in many cases is indispensable. For this purpose, go toDisplay from Plot, and the 2-D Display Control window will pop up.Several options are available here, such as grid structure, xj etc.These options are self explanatory. Experiment with them. TheContours can be modified (material-color identification, etc.) byselecting Contours from the Define menu.

2-D contour plot can be displayed as a 1-D plot at specificcross-sections defined by the Cutline (x,y) from the Tool menu orwhen a process is run as one-dimensional and y can be selected on the graph directly if you click on ahorizontal- or vertical-arrows windows and draw a line on yourcontour. Use Shift position button for x to y transitions.

A dynamic changes in the fabricated structures can be displayed byusing a Movie option form the TonyPlot (from the main Tools menu).Several plots are displayed sequentially resulting in the animationeffect with typical video control options (you can rewind it, slowdown etc.).


Processes used for IC fabrication include oxidation (labeled as'diffusion'), ion implantation, annealing (again labeled as'diffusion'), etching, and deposition. Observe what models are usedin each step and compare them with the available options for eachspecific step. Try to explain why a specific model has been chosen.Observe also conditions of the processing, such as source/drainimplantation and annealing/oxidation processes necessary for specificdevice structure. Notice the way low doped drain/source regions aremade. Observe side wall oxidation of the gate oxide (a bird beak asseen in LOCOS).

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BOTTOM LINE: observe the relations between processing conditionsand resulting devices.

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Device simulation

Silicon device simulator is included in the ATLAS package. Severalother modeling tools as those for optoelectronics, compound semiconductor devices,noncrystalline material elements etc. (see the manual) are notlicensed to the University of Houstons. It is desirable that yourefer to the manual for detailed understanding of the operation andcapabilities of ATLAS or consult the on-line help.

ATLAS simulates two and three (not available for UH) dimensionaldevices,s which can either be fabricated by Athena or can bespecified analytically. The first approach allows for virtual ICchip/device fabrication that comprises testing of both siliconprocesses and monitoring their influence on the device operation. Theinput file for ATLAS contains information about the device structureobtained then by a process simulator (here ATHENA) or createdanalytically in DevEdit. The Solution Files, which store 2D and 3Ddata solution for various variables in the devices and the Log Filesthat store summaries of electrical output information, can bedisplayed using TonyPlots.

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ATLAS can be used through the DeckBuilder either by starting it asthe default simulator (deckbuild -as) or from an existing input file(deckbuild -as <<input filename>). We will access it viaexamples listed in the MainControl menu. These examples are listed bytechnology and device type/application. You can select any of theseexample but only those with the licensed simulator extension willrun. As in the case of process simulator examples, here the examplehas to be loaded (just press the button). First, the ATHENA programwill simulate fabrication of your device, then automatic interfacewill be created under DeckBuild for ATLAS to start its operation andto model device electrical characterization. Structure can be definedalso (but not in this assignment) directly in ATLAS using The CommandLanguage by specifying a mesh and device materials/regions.

Material parameters, such as dopant type/concentration and itsionization, work function, and carrier transport properties (lifetimeand mobility defined by various physical models and parameters) etc.can be selected as shown in the summary tables (p. 2-20 - 2-22).

Selected parameter (or several parameters) of devices can besimulated for any given physical structure. Numerical methods used toobtain simulation solutions can be selected for ATLAS calculationsand the results can be in the form of DC, AC small signal ortransients characteristics. Initial guess that improves convergenceis incorporated in the initial solution (SOLVE INIT) that assumeszero bias case and is followed by two small voltage steps.

An important feature of ATLAS (and also in ATHENA) is the EXTRACTcommand that allows for extraction of specified parameters (you canspecify a parameter name and its calculation formula) based on theperformed simulation. Results of the extraction will be displayed inthe run-time output and stored in a '' file. Theseresults (or others, that you specify for plotting purpose only) canbe plotted in the TonyPlot using GRAPH FUNCTION text fields. Solutionfiles can be plotted for evaluation of the device operation atparticular bias point (a 'snap shot' of device operation).

Projects selected as the course assignments are listed asSilvaco Assignment.

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