Poultry Farm Software

  1. Poultry Farm Accounting Software
  2. Poultry Farm Definition
  • EasePoultry is a Mobile Friendly Cloud Based Poultry Farm Management Software for Layer Farms that allows managing farm efficiently with high level data analysis tools.
  • 7a significant improvement in the quality of poultry environment and conditions of. Young content system GOLDEN PULLET from FARM INNOVATION TEAM ensures.
  • PoultryCare ERP hosted on cloud Software as a Services (SaaS) based application, which offers many potential advantages over the traditional models of business software installation. You can start with basic modules and include more while you grow! Quick setup and deployment.

Layer Farm Manager is a poultry layer management software to monitor commercial egg production performance. Poultry Farm Manager provides a comprehensive analysist egg production performance.

DATAFORS analyses the production, sends alerts in case of deviations and gives suggestions to keep the product quality standard high. This means productivity increase on all levels: from the single farm to the whole group.


Benefit for the Holding

Manage the whole company having an immediate overview of the key data through simple interfaces and dashboards.
Comparison among farms, instant insight through quick statistics.
Visualize charts and take fast corrective actions.
Shared info and who is doing what.
No time loss for preparing routine reports or giving instructions.
Control and alert system in case of anomaly detection.
Processes optimization.

Poultry Farm Accounting Software

For the single Farm

No need to retype the collected data.
Mistakes avoided through immediate data validation.
Check lists of the productive processes always updated.
Visibility of what other colleagues are doing.

For the Veterinarian

Poultry farming software free

Insight to relevant data farm.
Fast location of the problematics.
Tracking diseases.
Treatments/vaccination schedule.

Poultry farming software freeSoftware

For the Technician

Poultry Farm Definition

On and off-site monitoring and advisory.
Can share reports with the farmers.